Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Dreary Plan


  1. You HAVE been running! I feel so ashamed - I thought we'd BOTH been loafing for months. Well, your new running plan inspires me. I'm going to plan RIGHT NOW to take some time real soon to maybe start thinking about running a little.

  2. I hope the dreary plan was not a response to my inane video critique. I've got an even worse plan. 1. I run two days a week for about twenty minutes at a time or until I'm bored. 2.Cycle once a week for two weeks in a row 3. Get sick for three weeks and do nothing; 4. Then, save everything for the summer, and exercise seven days a week for two and a half months until I'm injured, starting the whole plan over again. It really works well.

  3. You've always been a paragon of moderation, Colin.

  4. "Practice moderation in all things, including moderation."

  5. Minutes v. Miles = Apples n Oranges, kid.
    Think about it son. Da miles forces you out dere, barely surviving on the razor's edge of exhaustion. The minutes tick off whether you're puttin out or not (you wuz a little fuzzy on the whole "run to a certain point" then up the ante thing). No REAL incentive to git after "it" that way, boy. Now if each day you was to run out for 20 miles then turn around... now there's a plan we (your managers) can stand behind. You might even make it into the Kimpel (aka I.M. Ironman) Hall of Pain.
    We'll do lunch and hammer out the details.
    Percy Cerrutino
