Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Zealand Dawn - Again


  1. You're way more dedicated than me. After sleeping just 4 hours - I'd continue sleeping!

  2. It wasn't so easy as a couple of days ago because... you actually did it this time (though I have my doubts -- what with special effects and all these days).
    And as to your somewhat casual but most assuredly libelous comment about a certain assault on Everest I take umberage and assure you as an occifer and a gentleben that I DID indeed drive up Everest street the other day (or somethin). AND I'm still looking for my camera. When found the film therein documenting my perilous sojourn will exhonerate me many fold and return my unimpeachable character to the exhalted hallowed heights to which it belongs.
    Good day sir.
