That looks fun - I can't wait to start jogging again, too! A couple weeks after the Grand Canyon, I'll be ready to start some easy jogging for 15-20 minutes a couple times a week. I think I'll be able to build pretty quickly on that because I'm in pretty good shape from swimming and doing chores around the house. I'm optimistic that I'll be able to jog the whole Bellin 10k without much walking. I can't wait!
Icy hot and an ace wrap should do the trick on the old calf. You can send your check to The Sports Doctor at my home address. I'll really have to step up my training if I expect to survive the trails of Canterbury.
Whew! Bofoon music AND a Pity Pot sonata! You Mr. V. rock! Sorry it took so long to comment but after that thrashing I took at the hands of Herb during our last Baja 1000 (yeah we did it in a single day on foot with no aid) the Mexican doctors wouldn't let me off life support until I signed a release form after I came out my coma. I hear ol' Herbie did a second workout that day. You better be ready RV.
Well, I do have to admit I am training quite seriously now. I found some good training advice on the Inter-Net. I alternate jogging for a minute and walking for a minute. I have been able to build up to 20-minute sessions twice a week and hope to build up to 30-minute jog/walks THREE times a week before the Bellin 10k! I'm having some problems with Shin-Splints, even though I bought some new sneakers. I've been jog/walking with elastic bandages wrapped around my lower legs but it hasn't helped much. It looks cool, though. Fortunately, I have a pretty high pain threshold - I only need 12 syringes of Novacaine before dental work. And a change of clothes after, of course. Anyway, Rick, I hope your jog training is coming along as well as mine. Gosh, we'll have a really swell time racing each other at the Bellin 10k! How far is that - about a mile?
That looks fun - I can't wait to start jogging again, too! A couple weeks after the Grand Canyon, I'll be ready to start some easy jogging for 15-20 minutes a couple times a week. I think I'll be able to build pretty quickly on that because I'm in pretty good shape from swimming and doing chores around the house. I'm optimistic that I'll be able to jog the whole Bellin 10k without much walking. I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteIcy hot and an ace wrap should do the trick on the old calf. You can send your check to The Sports Doctor at my home address. I'll really have to step up my training if I expect to survive the trails of Canterbury.
ReplyDelete(2 days later) ... Doh! I get it - Canterbury "Trails"!
ReplyDeleteWhew! Bofoon music AND a Pity Pot sonata! You Mr. V. rock!
ReplyDeleteSorry it took so long to comment but after that thrashing I took at the hands of Herb during our last Baja 1000 (yeah we did it in a single day on foot with no aid) the Mexican doctors wouldn't let me off life support until I signed a release form after I came out my coma. I hear ol' Herbie did a second workout that day.
You better be ready RV.
Well, I do have to admit I am training quite seriously now. I found some good training advice on the Inter-Net. I alternate jogging for a minute and walking for a minute. I have been able to build up to 20-minute sessions twice a week and hope to build up to 30-minute jog/walks THREE times a week before the Bellin 10k! I'm having some problems with Shin-Splints, even though I bought some new sneakers. I've been jog/walking with elastic bandages wrapped around my lower legs but it hasn't helped much. It looks cool, though. Fortunately, I have a pretty high pain threshold - I only need 12 syringes of Novacaine before dental work. And a change of clothes after, of course. Anyway, Rick, I hope your jog training is coming along as well as mine. Gosh, we'll have a really swell time racing each other at the Bellin 10k! How far is that - about a mile?